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How Will Video Ads Help My Company? It will help to show off my product, service or brand using a video. You can create video ads in Ads Manager or boost a post from a Face book Page that includes a video. Video ads appear on Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger.
Show off your product, service or brand in different places on or off Facebook. You can deliver video ads to places such as Facebook feed, Instagram Stories or Messenger Inbox. Video ads support multiple aspect ratios depending on the placement. You can also show off different pieces of creative when you use the asset customization feature in Ads Manager.

How Will Video Ads Help My Company? Great method to capture attention quickly. Create videos that are 15 seconds or less to captivate your audience and tell a brand or business story. Deliver a single message. Convey a clear, simple message that makes people take action after viewing your ad, such as buying a specific product or visiting a website. For example, you can drive people to your website to learn more about an upcoming product that you are launching. You can show off the product in motion in the ad or include testimonials from people using the product.

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