Website Design Johannesburg | Web Hosting | Digital Marketing | Corporate Branding

Web Design Company in Johannesburg

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Looking for affordable web design packages?  Wao Host is certainly a full-service website design company based in Johannesburg. We certainly specialize in website design. Coupled with digital Marketing. And also comprehensive communication solutions. Wao Host certainly builds beautiful and well-designed websites. Definitely professional in design and superior in quality. Most importantly, our website design packages also focus on creating a greatly effective marketing tool.

Affordable Web Design Packages


R 299 99
This package is best suited when you offer a service and not sell a list of products
Gallery with images
No individual product listing
No online shopping features
Email hosting and set up of unlimited emails Accounts
2 hours free monthly maintenance
Mobile friendly and mobile responsive


R 449 99
Full product listing
Pricelist if necessary
Includes a “read more” link for individual products leading to more details
Email hosting and set up of Unlimited emails
Give you full guidance and access
2 hours free monthly maintenance
Mobile friendly and mobile responsive
Best Seller


R 299 99
Full product listing
Product Price
Online ordering system
Online Cart
Email hosting and set up of Unlimited emails
Give you full guidance and access
2 hours free monthly maintenance
Mobile friendly and mobile responsive

Web Design Packages

Altogether, our tools truly create leads and definitely convert leads into clients. Together with our committed staff, and ‘one-on-one’ approach service. You are likewise always in the loop and part of the process in concerning your marketing avenues. So, we are truly an inspired team that puts passion into each and every project we take on. With the most responsive Web Design Packages. Of course, within the digital agency world, things move fast and we revel in keeping up with. So come to Wao Host one of the best web design companies Johannesburg has to offer.

Furthermore, on a monthly basis, we do extensive research. Definitely making sure that you and also your brand is running ahead of the competition. From Big Businesses to startups, we can certainly offer an ideal package to suit your business’s needs. Whether you have platform-specific requirements or you need an all-inclusive solution. We are surely here to make sure you are receiving the most innovative and cost-effective advantage. At Wao Host, we offer the Gold Package, coupled with Platinum Packages together with SEO Website design, and also E-commerce packages.

Optimized Website Designs Packages in Johannesburg


Our web deign services caters for corporate giants to startups. Professional website development is extremely important for every business. In addition, the quality of your website design can draw visitors to your website. Or actually drive them away. For this reason, hiring the right website design company is something no business should ignore. We offer website design services that surely caters to your desired audience.

Furthermore, our experienced web designers in Johannesburg. And graphic designers will certainly provide your site with a simple. And easy to use search interface. As a result? A crystal clear, and simple searching experience. Likewise, good website design is extremely important. Above all, don’t let yourself mistake a cheap web design service for a good deal – as such you get what you pay for.

So it’s worth it to make sure that you’re working with a top-quality web design company in Johannesburg and South Africa that offers affordable web design packages. In reality, best website design services give companies and certainly businesses excellent search engine visibility. We certainly develop websites that are fully optimized for search engine visibility.

Get traffic on your website

To put it another way, a client is looking to rank for the keyword website design Johannesburg. We optimized the client’s website for the keyword web design Johannesburg for Google search results. As well as other search engines.

This means that when likely clients search for the service keyword website design Johannesburg. The client website will further appear in the search engine results page for the keyword website design Johannesburg. Furthermore, the keyword website design Johannesburg targets two sets of markets; users searching for website design, as well as local market when users search for website design “Johannesburg”.

In addition, the keyword website design Johannesburg return results for LSI keywords. Such as web design Johannesburg and website development Johannesburg. To make sure we increase ranking for our clients. The keywords they wish to rank for such as web design Johannesburg.

Not to mention that our experienced content writers also make sure that the content is of good quality. And targets the keyword web design Johannesburg. So in a word, this is important for you and for the audience you want to reach.

Why Choose Us?

Wao Host is a leading Web Design company based in Rosebank, Johannesburg South Africa. We specialize in affordable web design packages, Web Design Services, Web Applications Development, Mobile Applications Development and Corporate Branding.

  • 14 Years Of Excellence

    We boast a wide range of web design experience and excellence giving clients the best web design and maintenance services in Johannesburg.

SEO Company in Johannesburg
  • Online Website design Services

    There are no limitations of which countries to provide the website design services to. We have the manpower to attend to all clients globally.

  • Reliable Web Design Company

    Reliable and professional website design companies Johannesburg offer affordable website design packages and quality website design services.

SEO Company in Johannesburg
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